Watch this space!

Discussion in 'Labrador Breeding & Genetics' started by 5labs, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. Athena

    Athena Registered Users

    Jun 13, 2018
    NE coast, USA
    Well done the pups are lovely. Uncle is spectacular :)
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    All my babies have now gone to their new homes :( It's bitter sweet as they have all gone to lovely homes.
    I had hoped to update this thread more than I have, but these little people really are so time consuming. In the last three weeks we've been having lots of fun introducing them to all sorts of new experiences. They especially enjoyed their padding pool and running through the long grass in the field, daring each other to go and meet the chickens and sheep! They were happy and confident at their vet check and went home around 5KG (the heaviest litter I have had!!).
    They have been massively time consuming as they were playing out for two hours in the morning, 2 hours at lunchtime, 2 hours in the afternoon and 2 hours at bedtime, which does not leave a lot of day left! The shouts of "poo alert!", "what's he got?!", "leave that", "where's he going", "pup, pup, pup!" are still resounding in my head!
    I did some basic training with them before they left so they all understood that they had to sit nicely to get a biscuit and "bedtime" meant to run to bed for biscuits/chews. They have all been recalling to "pup, pup, pup" which will progress with their new owners to the pip, pip, pip of the whistle.
    So far we have had some really lovely feedback. All the puppies travelled well (all over the country!) and had quiet first nights and are making a lot of families very happy!
    Mum had lost interest in her pups (apart from their toys and chews!) and has been playing with the other dogs tonight so doesn't seem bothered about them going at all.
    I'm teetering between, "I'll never do that again", and "I can't wait to do it all over again next summer"! Watch this space ;)
  3. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Awwwwww! What a journey! Thank you for finding the time to share as much as you did :)

    It's highly unlikely that I would have ever tried breeding anyway, but this thread has definitely disabused me of any romantic daydreams about what it would be like if I did!

    I'm eternally grateful to the wonderful couple who bred our dog though, and I bet the families taking home your puppies feel the same about you :)

    I'd love to hear a bit more about the puppy you're keeping - was it difficult to choose??
  4. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Look forward to hearing about your pups progress and seeing more photos!

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