Labrador Singleton Pregnancy

Discussion in 'Labrador Breeding & Genetics' started by CeeCee, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    My girl is 3 years and 4months and is pregnant for the first time. Yesterday she had a scan (at around 31 days) which showed only one 'very active' pup. Vet said he couldn't see any others. I'm having a minor freak out after reading potential complications with singleton births. I'm wondering if any of you have had a lady lab who had a singleton pregnancy? Did she deliver normally or by C section and what was the outcome. Also has anyone had a scan showing only one pup, but the dam ultimately delivered more than one? My breeder is reassuring me that it is a bit early to be able to tell accurate numbers with a scan and there could well be others who were not visible. I intend to get an x ray done at day 55, but could really use some input from others who have had similar experiences. Thanks, guys.
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    33 days can indeed by too early for a reliable count. Also, some scanners are more accurate than others.
    I haven't personally had a singleton, but a close friend has. The pup was delivered with no incident.
    I wouldn't like to have to x-ray, but if you are concerned, I'd xray at 55/56 days and get an idea of numbers and the size of the pup(s) then.
    Out of interest, what was her progesterone level when she was bred?
  3. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Thank you so much for your response, much appreciated. I'm definitely going to get xray in case the singleton is huge and to see if there are any other pups so we are prepared. I just want to do the best for my precious girl. Her prog test (her third over several days) the day prior to the first tie was 15 and rising. Ovulation usually occurs around a reading of 17 so she was definitely due to ovulate around the first tie. She was put to the stud dog a couple of times over four days with successful ties each time.
  4. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Keep us posted x
  5. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Absolutely! She's booked for an xray on 14 April. Would have left a little longer, but Easter got in the way. So far she is doing really well and is positively ''glowing'', wants constant cuddles (that's hard to take :)) and eating well (not enough food for her liking, but she is a Labrador!!). Thanks so much for your interest. x
  6. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    How many days will she be on the 14th? There would be little point in xraying before 55 days as the bones may not be calcified.
  7. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    She'll be around 54-55 days
  8. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Update time. Madam had her xray this morning which confirmed she is carrying a singleton. Both the vet and I were hoping she had been ''hiding'' a couple, but sadly not. However the good news is that the pup is not huge and the vet is confident she will deliver naturally without problems. She is very healthy and we are very hopeful of a positive outcome.
  9. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Hi Cee Cee, has she had her puppy now?
  10. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Good Morning. Her ladyship hit day 63 two days ago and promptly starting nesting. However, she did not progress further. Took her to the vet first thing this morning (day 65). Scan showed pup moving around, but the heartbeat was a tad slow so vet recommended C section. So she is currently being prepped. Apparently she was pretty close to going into labour, pup in the correct position and Hillary's temp had dropped but vet didn't want to risk the pup. I suspected a C section was on the cards, so I put her on a fast last night. Being a Labrador, she thought her throat was cut when breakfast didn't appear this morning. :) Should have news later today, so I'll post an update accordingly. Positive thoughts for mother and pup.
  11. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    It's a girl!!! :) Just had a call from the vet. Pup is a chocolate, like her Mum, is vigorous and feeding well. So a great outcome. I'll be collecting the little family from the vet in about an hour. Thank you 5Labs for your support and interest It means a lot.
  12. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    The new arrival had her first night home last night. Doing brilliantly. Hillary is an excellent mum ensuring that the little one is well fed and toileted. I have no worries about the pup getting chilled. She snuggles up to her mum and ''coos'' contentedly. She's also very active and crawls about when not snuggling. Hillary is also recovering well from the C section and doesn't appear to be in any discomfort. She's eating and drinking well, though is reluctant to leave the whelping box and her precious pup.
    Edp likes this.
  13. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Lovely to hear. You must be relieved.
  14. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Thank you. Absolutely. It was the outcome I hoped for. I have a fantastic vet and made a point of ringing this morning to thank him and the team for a job well done and to let them know that all is going well so far. In all the excitement yesterday I didn't get Hillary's pain killers and antibiotics and the practice manager actually delivered them to me on her way home from work. That's a prime example of their caring attitude. Oh, I forgot to mention in my previous post that the little one was a very healthy 520 grams at birth, so she's off to a great start.
  15. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Are you going to keep her ?
  16. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    I'm sorely tempted, but I don't think so. Hubby wants to keep her, but I'll be the one looking after two crazy labs :) We have a couple of months to make the decision.
  17. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    That is tough, hard I guess. She's been a little fighter, difficult to let go. Hopefully maybe to someone near, so you can still see her.
  18. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Ideally, the guys who bred Hillary! They're friends of ours. They may add her to their pack - they have 5 already including Hillary's mum and half sister. They run a B&B on acreage and it is Labrador paradise
  19. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    Pup is now 4.5 weeks old and is a bundle of energy. She's taken to solid food like a typical Labrador. Won't be long and she'll be fully weaned at the rate she is going. Her last weigh in was at 4 weeks when she was exactly 4kg, so she's a big girl like her mum. Hillary is also in top condition but she would decide to 'blow' her coat so we are knee deep in chocolate hair.o_O Fingers still crossed that our friends will adopt the little one. 50/50 chance. One is keen, his partner is not so sure they need 6 Labs.:p
  20. CeeCee

    CeeCee Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2022
    Queensland Australia
    It is with a really heavy heart that I have to announce that we had to have our gorgeous little pup euthanised this morning at 6 weeks old. :( It's devastating. She was doing wonderfully well and was quite a little personality. Unfortunately she fell ill three days ago and was admitted to the animal hospital where they did tests (mostly inconclusive) and she continued to deteriorate despite their best efforts. They really don't know what the problem was but suspect she had a serious problem with her immune system and the kindest thing was to let her go. We decided to not have a necropsy. We have also made the decision to spay Hillary. Not worth the risk of trying to breed again in case little Kate's problem was genetic. Not fair on potential pups and I couldn't face the heartache and worry if it happened again. Aside from the fact that it would be terribly irresponsible. At least we had 6 precious weeks and lots of photos and videos. Rest in peace Kate, we loved you and you blessed us greatly with your short time on earth.

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