Oh my gosh, Bev, I can't believe how this thread started from "close call but he's ok" to "serious infection requiring sedation". What an incredibly close call, I can't believe the damage this did. With any luck he'll be feeling quite a bit better in a couple of days. It must be so distressing to see him so distressed. That is some phenomenal bruising, I can't believe it.
Oh my gosh. Poor boy. And you too, so distressing for you all. @charlie 's Helen also has a story of collars strangling during play but not such awful consequences as poor Bailey. Sending good healing vibes too. x
Jeepers! Who would’ve thought so much damage could be caused. I am so sorry for you both. And I feel your pain about wanting him comfortable and not knowing what to do. Can you put an anesthetic gel on the wound to make it less itchy? Was it an ordinary fabric collar?
My gooddness, that's so shocking. Poor Bailey, I hope he improves soon And poor you @BevE, it's horrid when they are unwell and unhappy,
Yes it was just a fabric collar. I have ointment to put on but he won’t let me touch his neck & I don’t blame him. I’ll try again tomorrow. He is being an absolute champion about taking all the medication he needs, maybe he knows that he does need it.
Oh @BevE that is just awful, I am so sorry for you and Bailey I had the same experience a few years ago with my dogs which very nearly ended in disaster and would have if we had not been home. My dogs NEVER, EVER wear their collars inside. I wish Bailey a speedy recovery, poor little man. Hugs from us @drjs@5 I asked a couple of weeks ago for this to be a highlighted subject when a member had a similar collar incident. Someone is going to lose their precious dog this way. Any chance please? xx
How distressing for you! Get well soon dear Bailey, we all want to see you back to your usual happy and bouncy self x
Sadly he still won’t let me near, even with his favourite chicken tenders! He’s not a “typical” lab where food is concerned, he will choose people over food every time.